[originally published 1/25/2016]
My long-time photographic sidekick, Bill, visited me on the Reservation in 1973. Here are some photos I made during his stay.
- Bill rides in my VW
- Bill outside my cabin
- Bill on the Rez
- Self
- May be Sunrise Lake?
SIDEBAR: I probably have a few hundred photos of Bill (we always photographed each other, and our other photographer friends, as a routine matter for years). We are still in touch almost daily to the present. When I first met Bill in L.A. in the late 60s, he was chief photog for International Surfing Magazine. Before he retired from teaching at a Southern California college just a few years ago, he also made his mark with sculpture — primarily in glass, including a life-size guitar assembled from small square and rectangular glass pieces about 1/2 – 1 inches in length that was commissioned by the family of Jimi Hendrix. Today he sent me an abstract image, shown below, that he just created using a stylus on his new iPad Pro.
[See more about Bill]
NEXT: Catt Black