Category Archives: In memoriam

Things Go Pear-Shaped in Las Vegas (1974)

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Remembering Patricia (1974)

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In the Nevada Desert (1974)

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All That Remains (1967)

Circa 1971 photograph of mixed media artwork I made of my late friend P.T. in 1967.  Marking pen, acrylic paint, Polaroid and xerography collage on poster board, original approximately 48″ x 36″. Original piece no longer extant.

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Bill – One Month Before Death (2021)

Discovered a tiny ~400px square self portrait Bill made almost exactly one month before his death.  I upscaled it, transformed it from color into black & white and added my own reimaginings in terms of tonality, etc. to make it … Continue reading

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“SMOKE”: A 2006 Portrait by William J. Wertz

Just came across this one that Bill had sent me years ago.

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Bill Behind the Camera (1974)

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Bill at George’s: Two Takes (1974)

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Road Trip with Bill (1976)

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Bill (1972)

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