Category Archives: people/portraits

JF x 3

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I Rest My Case

In a former life, in the 1960s and 1970s, when I served as an audit manager in the investigatory arm of the U.S. Congress, I developed a professional obsession with fact-checking and documentation.  This behavior was expected in my role, … Continue reading

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Night Visions, v04-2

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In the Exam Room of My Doctor

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Revealing a Speculative JF on FaceTime

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JF as Jean Cocteau (After the 1949 portrait by Philippe Halsman)

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James, During the Pandemic

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Shot at Point Blank Range

On my birthday — Los Angeles, May 1974  

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A Rose For Jonathan

In the 1977-78 timeframe, Jonathan and I were among the very few straight males associated with a prominent mostly-lesbian nonprofit public art collective in Venice, California.  Jonathan was a talented painter and I was manning my camera between stints of … Continue reading

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Patricia Relaxes After Teaching Her Ballet Class (1974)

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