Category Archives: photos by others

Goebbels by Eisenstaedt (1933)

This is one of the photographs that I most remembered, and was terrified by, from early childhood, when I would pore over my grandmother’s volumes of books on the illustrated history of World War II. Both of her sons — … Continue reading

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JF as Jean Cocteau (After the 1949 portrait by Philippe Halsman)

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Kim Shoots Her Family (2019)

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Dirty Three + Nick Screen Captures

Some of my favorite musicians, ever.  The Dirty Three (Warren Ellis – violin, Mick Turner – guitar, Jim White – drums), accompanied by their fellow Aussie, Nick Cave – keyboards, rehearse their masterpiece “Sea Above, Sky Below” in a hotel … Continue reading

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Caught in an Act of Photography (1973)

In a continuation of the saga of Jack Welpott’s camera work as shown here and here: And today, Neil Miller sends me this image of a poster for an exhibition — an upshot of all that activity:

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Bill – One Month Before Death (2021)

Discovered a tiny ~400px square self portrait Bill made almost exactly one month before his death.  I upscaled it, transformed it from color into black & white and added my own reimaginings in terms of tonality, etc. to make it … Continue reading

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Willy Nelson (Anonymous)

Cropped from a TV screen capture.  Anonymous photographer/cinematographer, date unknown.

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“SMOKE”: A 2006 Portrait by William J. Wertz

Just came across this one that Bill had sent me years ago.

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Larry & Roy (1977)

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A Convening of Gangsters

The title of this post comes from my niece’s description upon her first viewing today.  My artist friend Roy took this photograph of — from left to right — my father, my mother and me in this foggy-noir vision in … Continue reading

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