Category Archives: family

The Two Most Beautiful Women In My Life (1997)

Radically upscaled from a tiny crop of an early lo-res point ‘n shoot image … ‘ shoot image…

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Experimenting on Myself

This circa 1942 Iowa farm image of myself with dog (my cousin Anita and my aunt appear in the background) was colorized by Replicate AI.  Photographer of original was presumably my mother. Another Replicate AI experiment in colorization.   Circa  1941,  … Continue reading

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Roses Are Red

A couple of days ago, Kim was visiting the rose garden at nearby Pioneer Park.  She happened to be right at hand when a rose branch was accidentally lopped off during maintenance so the park personnel asked her if she … Continue reading

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Mateo Street Days (c1991)

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Kim Shoots Her Family (2019)

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Doug (2006)

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K x 8

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Online with DDH

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Zoom Dream

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Revisiting Ivi on Valentine’s Day 2017

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