Clouds have been a big deal for me ever since early childhood, and were the subject of some of my earliest photos. So when the New York Times recently published a photo article on “Nature’s Best Poetry of 2019: Clouds“, a piece recognizing the Cloud Appreciation Society, I asked some of my photographer friends with whom I regularly correspond to show us an example of their own cloud pieces.
Learn more about the Cloud Appreciation Society here and here.
Bill responds with a formal study perhaps evoking Alfred Steiglitz, Jim offers a cloudless alternative with a nod to Ansel Adams, I grab the first two images returned from a keyword search of my catalogs, John commemorates the death of a friend, and Corbin makes us want to join him for a stroll on the beach of his Venice neighborhood.
Corbin Smith
James Friedman
Jim says he has no cloud work to share, but offers us this alternative. Ansel would surely be appreciative.
John Wallace
John tells us that this photo was shot to catch the very last rays of the sunset on the day that a dear photographer friend of his family had died.
Lawrence Hathaway
William Wertz