The Cloud Project

Clouds have been a big deal for me ever since early childhood, and were the subject of some of my earliest photos. So when the New York Times recently published a photo article on “Nature’s Best Poetry of 2019: Clouds“, a piece recognizing the Cloud Appreciation Society, I asked some of my photographer friends with whom I regularly correspond to show us an example of their own cloud pieces.

Learn more about the Cloud Appreciation Society here and here.

Bill responds with a formal study perhaps evoking Alfred Steiglitz, Jim offers a cloudless alternative with a nod to Ansel Adams, I grab the first two images returned from a keyword search of my catalogs, John commemorates the death of a friend, and Corbin makes us want to join him for a stroll on the beach of his Venice neighborhood.

Corbin Smith

Untitled © Corbin Smith

James Friedman

Jim says he has no cloud work to share, but offers us this alternative. Ansel would surely be appreciative.

Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico © James Friedman

John Wallace

John tells us that this photo was shot to catch the very last rays of the sunset on the day that a dear photographer friend of his family had died.

Grandview Beach, Encinitas © John Wallace

Lawrence Hathaway

Gray Afternoon 2018 © lawrence hathaway

Paul in Arizona (1977) © lawrence hathaway

William Wertz

Same Day Same Time Same Place – 2014 © William Wertz