Jim Friedman Survivors

Today, while rummaging through boxes in my workspace that sit on about sixteen linear feet of shelves, stacked seven feet high, I discovered two forty-year-long-lost prints that Jim Friedman sent me back in the early 70s.  Here is a quick document I made of the find:

(My Photograph of Photographs by Jim Friedman: top – Joe 1972, bottom – Christie 1973)

These prints are in fine condition, already on 14″ x 18″ mats, so I will have to frame and/or put them up where I can find wall space. Wonderful treat for my Friday.

Jim tells me that these prints were made while he was still studying with Minor White at MIT. For more of Jim’s work in his succeeding professional career, see his site at http://www.jamesfriedmanphotographer.com/. And to see more of my earlier posts about Jim on this site, try this.


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