I Rest My Case

In a former life, in the 1960s and 1970s, when I served as an audit manager in the investigatory arm of the U.S. Congress, I developed a professional obsession with fact-checking and documentation.  This behavior was expected in my role, of course.  But the tendency continues to this day.  So when Mr. F. recently questioned whether he was in fact the subject of my camera in a particular instance, I had to rally forth the evidence to put the matter to rest.  Please follow along.

In 1974, a Los Angeles-based literary and arts journal published some of my photographs, including this one I shot in 1973 of the then-young James Friedman, known in present times as a leading photographer, editor and educator on the national and beyond fine arts photography scene.  Here is the lead page to that published image:

This past week I was able to locate a similar photograph taken at the same time — over fifty years ago — that clearly establishes the identity of the subject, as shown in this pairing:

And, if you would like a closer look at the original image in  question …

Thank you.

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