This Is The Place …

… where my daily or thereabouts musings or items of immediate interest — something like a  visual working journal or diary or sketchbook — are recorded, with the latest additions appearing on the home page (here) in latest date order.

Ongoing personal collections may also be found under the Collections menu/tab of this site.

Work curated for public consideration may be found at FOTOWRX and select other online venues. Also see and follow FOTOWRX Gallery and lawhath2 on Instagram.

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Lessons in Art History: Jerry Uelsmann

See more "Lessons in Art History"
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The Wired Self (ca2016)

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Riff on Diane Arbus

Based on Diane Arbus’ “Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey”, 1966

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Las Vegas (1974)

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Francis (1999)

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Hollywood (1974)

Self-Portrait on Hollywood Boulevard

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Fifty Years, Past

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Once Upon a Time in Nevada

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Study for Bergman Variations, Continuing

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Ivi Reaches For Her Sleeping Mother, 31 Years Ago

Mateo Street, Los Angeles

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