Happy Kansas Day

Missouri St parade 200 block c 1954
Herman K. sends me this photo, given to him today in celebration of something called “Kansas Day”, celebrating 155 years of Kansas statehood.  This description is given:

This photo, probably taken off the top of the Kinne & Kerans building, shows a parade in the downtown historic district of Alma, Kansas. I think this photo dates from about 1954 or 1955. In dating this photo one can notice that two lots to the south of the “Palenske Hall building”, seen at the far left in this view, the lot is empty. In 1956 Hasenbank Furniture constructed a building on this lot, and this photo was taken before that construction. Notice Alma Sundries occupies what is now the Wabaunsee County Museum, seen here at the far right edge of the photo.

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