[3/12/1946 – 8/3/2021]
Bill Wertz was a friend and fellow photographer I met in the early 70s when he did staff and freelance photography for surfing magazines and other publications, repaired cameras and built race car bodies. We worked and traveled together for several years until he moved to Paris where he worked in glass sculpture, something he had just undertaken a year or two earlier in Long Beach. While in France, he was commissioned to build a glass dome for the palace of a head of state in Oman, among other work. When he returned to the States, he continued with smaller-scale glassworks, particularly replicas of musical instruments. His commissions included a glass life-size guitar for the Jimi Hendrix estate, and sculptural works for Apple Computer. Bill returned to photography later, and taught at the university and college level until his retirement. During recent years, he has collected and restored antique still and movie cameras, watches and clocks, and creates digital “paintings” on his iPad. Although we live at a distance of hundreds of miles now (February 2019), we regularly exchange email and phone calls. Here are a few of the photos I made of Bill as an informal part of my interactions with him and our other photographer “rat-pack” friends:
- January 1974
- Circa 1975
- February 1975
- 1975
- Death Valley, December 1976
- Death Valley, December 1976
- Death Valley, December 1976
- Death Valley, December 1976
- Death Valley, December 1976
- Mexico City, 1974
- Mexico, 1974
- Mexico, 1974
- Mexico, 1974
- Sea of Cortez, 1974
- Bill and Mike in La Paz, Mexico, 1974
- En Route From LA to Mexico, December 1974
- Pasadena, 1974
- Bill with My LandRover, June 1974
- Long Beach, 1974
- Dennis T. and Bill in LA, 1974
- With Dennis T. and W.J. in LA, Summer 1974
- Bill, Dennis T. and W.J. in LA, 1974
- Bodie CA, May 1974
- Bodie CA, May 1974
- Los Angeles, April 1974
- Long Beach CA, 1974
- Long Beach CA, 1974
- 1974
- Rock Concert, 1974
- Mike S. (Rojo) and Bill in Mexico, 1974
- Long Beach CA, 1974
- 1974
- 1974
- 1974
- 1974
- San Pedro CA 1974
- 1974
- 1974
- 1974
- Los Angeles, February 1974
- Washington, DC, 1973
- Arizona, 1973
- Riding in My VW, 1973
- Hollywood, 1972
- Driving His Old Volvo, 1972
- Somewhere in Orange County, 1972
- 1972
- Bill With Ken and Claudia, 1972
- Going to See Teske, Los Angeles, 1972
- 1972
- Washington, DC, 1973
- Somewhere in New England, 1973
- circa 1975 – Long Beach Grand Prix?
- Death Valley, ca1975-77 (recovered from trashed 4×5 negative, lost for 40 years)
- 1980
- 1980
- 1980
- 1980
- June 1974 – Bill at Harry’s Club
- Huntington Beach (August 1972)
- Saint William (After Bill’s Icon Paintings)
- 1974
- December 1974
- 1972
Also see this wonderful portrait of Bill from 2004, made by a photographer unknown (is it a self-portrait by Bill himself?).
From my log of January 4, 2018:
Huayna Picchu, 1978
I wasn’t there. I didn’t take the photograph. But my old photo partner, Bill, just today found this previously lost image of himself, unseen for many years, so I thought I would pass it along just to change things up a bit. Bill went on to climb to the peak, with view camera in tow, and then made a commercially successful poster of Machu Picchu.

From my log of July 11, 2018:
Bill, my old photography-partner/recluse-artist, sends along evidence of his safety and kitchen’s intact condition, reporting that a 4am earthquake only resulted in the scattering of his collection of Folger coffee cans.
Also see this post of 5/29/2019. And this, my take on one of Bill’s self-portraits.
And here is a grab of Bill’s old website, back in 2004:
From Bill’s Early Life
Bill identifies himself on the far right of this photograph taken many, many years ago by person or persons unknown. The photo depicts Bill and kids he grew up with on a street somewhere in southern California even then revealing Bill as someone who stood outside the group: