Daily Archives: September 15, 2019

Judy Dater, 1973 (Polaroid)

This image is based on a Polaroid print that I re-discovered this week. This Polaroid was originally made with my old 4×5 view camera at the same time, forty-six years ago, as this 35mm negative I found and scanned in … Continue reading

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Gail aka Gandhi (circa 1962-63)

Perhaps it was because he had a name that has been applied to males in only 6.7 percent of all cases of babynaming since the 1880s.  Perhaps it is because he had the reputation as a peacemaker, a conciliator, a … Continue reading

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George (circa 1974)

And here’s a photograph by George (with Bill and myself). George was a brilliant avant-garde experimental filmmaker who supported himself through utterly straight, traditional, orthodox but technically flawless portraiture and wedding photography. The first time I encountered him was when … Continue reading

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Duane (1974)

Continuing my rummage through decades-old storage, I find a 1974 image of an old friend from childhood, Duane.   Many tales come to mind, from skipping out on a church youth camp so we could drive across the width of the … Continue reading

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